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Consulting and Sales PDF Print E-mail
Consulting: System Design
We have been implementing innovative teaching using interactive technologies at schools since 2004. Successful strategies of incorporating these 21st century digital tools into the curriculum are more than just solutions that focus on hardware, software, and training. We specialize in creating digital whiteboard systems that truly meet the needs of the teacher, student, and school. Our consultants are current or former educators and know what works practically in the classroom. Because we are not tied to any one particular vendor, we can offer solutions that incorporate various software, hardware, and online services to improve student academic achievement.

Consulting: Curriculum Integration
In addition to designing the hardware infrastructure and providing professional development to use a digital whiteboard system, we also offer services to assist you to integrate your curriculum with these resources. Our team includes experts in the field who are versed in the latest educational research and professional development trends.

Product Sales

A core value at 2it is helping others being successful in what they love to do. Since teachers have widely varying needs, one product or manufacturer may not work best for everyone. We provide our expertise to schools so that they can purchase the best hardware, software, services, and installation.  We do not sell any SMART products ourselves, but we do work closely with a variety of vendors that can offer exceptional service and value.

Contact us if you have questions about anything that you have seen in the training modules. We are happy to help.


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